Welcome to
Beach of AR

Beach of AR is a collection of AR filters that showcases some of the filters you can use while on the beach. All these filters are developed by us and every filter has a different and unique perspective which will surely amaze you with it's working. The AR filters are provided with the integrated socials option so you can try them on your own device. Hope you'll enjoy this beach of filters!



Long Exposure

This filter increase the exposure and slow down the moments as you move the camera. Let's feel it from below options!

Beach view

A beach view with coconut tree and sun in the background blending with the other objects. Wanna feel this feeling seating at home?

B&W + One color

This filter focuses on vibrant colored objects and black out the background. Sounds interesting isn't it? Try it from below options!


The Outline filter applies an special glitchy outline to the objects which looks fantastic. Experience it from the below options!

Doge Floating

This filter applies the floating doge precisely in the environment and add a blueish background. Seems interesting!!


Mrunank Pawar
Vaibhav Kadam